

项目 详情
公司名称 PR Partners Ltd.
地点 日本琦玉县狭山市中央1-9-22
成立日期 2023年11月30日
电话号码 050-6871-5754
代表人 片冈拓也
业务活动 电子商务、客户获取服务、网站开发、SEO咨询


Our mission is to offer carefully curated, high-quality products with one-of-a-kind designs that enhance daily life. We strive to provide valuable services and remain a trusted brand.


Our aim is to be a brand that stands out for innovation, integrity, and customer satisfaction. Every product is meticulously crafted to bring a touch of brilliance to your daily life.

Reason for choosing

One-of-a-Kind Designs: We break free from traditional concepts, continuously pursuing innovative challenges.
Customer-First Approach: The smile of our customers is our highest priority. We respond promptly to all inquiries.
Sustainability: We are committed to actively reducing our environmental footprint through various initiatives.

Our promise

We don’t just deliver products; we also bring you a pleasant shopping experience and a sense of excitement. Thank you for choosing NEW DAWN.